
Sunday Sermons

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October 18, 2020 - "Secrets of the Kingdom" (Matthew 13:10-17) - Pastor Ben Zabel
September 27, 2020 - "Gideon" (Judges 6-8) - Pastor Dennis Pool
September 20, 2020 - "Bitterness & Blessing" (The Book of Ruth) - Pastor Ben Zabel
September 13, 2020 - "Animal Party" (Genesis 6-9) - Pastor Ben Zabel
September 6, 2020 - "Fear to Faith" (Joshua 1-6) - Pastor Ben Zabel
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Additional Audio

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Offertory - "All in All" - Gordon and Sam Duo
Babe in the Straw (Christmas Eve, 2018)
Offertory - "A Blues Offering"
Offertory - "Always Good"
Precious Lord - Voices of Praise
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