Who We Are & What We Believe

We Gather, Grow, & Go, All for the Glory of God


Our Relational Covenant

As servants of Jesus and members of the local Body of Christ at Shoreline Covenant Church our purpose is to glorify God in our worship, our Christian fellowship, and in how we represent Jesus in our world. 

There are times when this comes naturally, and we thank God for those moments. We also acknowledge that there are times and circumstances where it is not easy to glorify God in our relationships with one another. Because of these difficulties and the reality of sin in our world and in our lives, we agree to this set of relational commitments, to help us live as a healthy expression of the Kingdom of God.

Read the full Relational Covenant here…

Our Denomination

We are part of The Evangelical Covenant Church, a denomination of about 700 churches represented in most states and internationally. We also belong to the  Pacific Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church, comprised of 70+ Covenant churches in WA/OR/ID/MT.

The Evangelical Covenant Church values historic statements of the Christian faith (like the Apostle’s Creed) but our most basic belief is “We accept the Bible as the word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.” See the core Covenant affirmations below, and click on either of the links above for more info!