We have a energetic youth ministry for students in grades 6–12, packed with retreats, activities, and community!

IMPORTANT: A parent permission and medical release form is required for participants under 18.
Click here to complete.

Questions? Want an events calendar or to be added to the youth ministry email list?
Contact youth minister Brianne at!

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School : 9-9:45am

Teen Sunday School : 9th-12th grade
Sunday mornings are discussion-based experiences, giving youth a time and space to process tough questions and deepen their relationships with God and one another.

A weekly class for 7th-9th graders, that presents an overview of the Bible and church beliefs, leading up to giving students the chance to make or confirm their personal commitment to Jesus. This is a 2 year school long commitment. Contact Brianne for more information or to sign up. 

A group of 5 youth, along with several family members and mentors, at the front of the church praying

Confirmation students with families and mentors

Worship Service: 10-11:05am

Youth are invited to join all of SCC for the Sunday worship service. There are also “family tables” at the sides of the sanctuary available to those who need space to spread out, doodle, etc during the service. We also warmly welcome youth volunteers interested in serving on the worship or AV/tech teams, or serving with kids during worship; let Brianne know if you’re interested!

Wednesday Nights

5:45pm: Dinner 

Join us for dinner at 5:45 PM—whether you’re coming solo or bringing your family! If you’re heading straight from an extracurricular and feeling hangry, we’ve got you covered. Meet in the sanctuary to enjoy a meal and connect with people of all ages, then we’ll head over to the portable for youth group at 6:30 PM. Can’t wait to see you there!   (More info on Weds Nights here!)

6:30-8pm: Youth Group

Join us each week for a fun-filled time with games, Bible teachings, hangouts, and even some worship songs now and then! Open to all 6th–12th graders—come as you are and bring a friend!

Sunday Evenings

Rooted: First Sundays, 6–8 pm– Food, Fun, Fellowship!

Rooted:High schoolers are invited to meet in the portable on one Sunday evening a month from 6-8pm for food, fun, fellowship, and faith conversations with friends and leaders. This time is meant to help our high schoolers stay rooted in their faith and rooted in community through connection with other high schoolers, as well as an opportunity to do some one-off topical studies, dig into biblical content, or talk about questions that might be more appropriate/impactful/interesting for high schoolers.

Upcoming Events

Consent forms must be filled out before you attend. Click here to complete.