Welcome to 2020! - Pastor Ben Zabel
January 2020
Does that phrase feel strange to you, too? The older I get, the quicker the years pass. In some ways it feels like I was just “hitting my 2019 stride.” Part of me is longing for another month of last year, but that won’t do me any good. It’s a bit of a trip to see that date written, but there’s no use pretending that a new year hasn’t just begun. So let’s step forward into 2020 together as a church, dreaming about what God is calling us toward. This process has already begun in a couple of different ways. [ Read More ]
More than Just Ritual - Pastor Ben Zabel
January 2020
The manger, lights, and candles, the presents and the jolly old elf. The songs we hear and the shopping. The joy that surrounds the Christmas season is exciting for the religious and the irreligious alike. But while the joy is real, I believe there is a danger that lurks in the pageantry of it all. I think that, whether you are a Christian, an atheist, or would identify yourself as “none”, there is a danger of everything becoming ritualistic. As the calendar gets busy and the stores get crazy we can easily just go through the motions of our celebrations. [ Read More ]