Annual Rummage Sale! 9am-3pm

Come shop for everyday items and unique treasures at our all-church rummage sale! This annual event is a bargain-hunter’s paradise. This year we will be fundraising for our camp scholarship fund as well as missions and youth programs at SCC.

We will also gladly take your rummage that you are ready to pass on! Donations can be dropped off from 6:30pm on Sunday, Feb. 24, through 12pm on Friday, Mar. 1 (check back for updates to hours we are open to receive donations during that time). Donated electronics must work, and furniture must be in good, un-torn condition. Please no computers, TV’s, appliances.

Questions: contact the office at 206-542-1050 or

If you would like a copy of our monthly newsletter and full calendar, please contact the office.