As you’ve no doubt heard about and maybe even been involved in, SCC embarked on a series of Discovery Sessions with Keith Chow. Keith works for an organization called Eagle’s Flight and he has been helping us get a picture of where we are today as a church and what we feel God is calling us into. At this conversation, you will have the opportunity to hear about the results of this process and some initial steps that your SCC Board and Staff have been taking to address the most immediate issues that came up. We will have time for reflection, questions, clarification, and to all understand the breadth of who we are as a community more clearly.
Bring a dish to share! We’ll enjoy a potluck lunch together and then move on to the “conversation.” Children are welcome and encouraged to stay for lunch and the first part of the conversation, and childcare will be available for kids 6 and under for the second part. Please RSVP to the church office if you need childcare.
Questions or to register: contact the office at 206-542-1050 or
If you would like a copy of our monthly newsletter and full calendar, please contact the office.